Tuesday, June 12, 2007


Welcome to To Attempt: A Collection of Essays

First, an explanation of the name To Attempt is in order. The word essay comes from the Old French word essayer, which means “to attempt.” The English word essay can also mean “an initial attempt or endeavor” and “to make an attempt at” (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/essay).

To Attempt is my attempt to write essays on subjects that interest me. I hope that they are interesting or at least thought-provoking to other people as well. Comments are greatly appreciated, even if they are negative. At least they let me know that someone is reading these things. Suggestions for topics are also welcome.

The first couple of essays will be coming very soon.


Daniel said...

About time. I'll make a link to your blog so you will hopefully pick up on some of the massive traffic at Cut the Chatter.

Ben P. said...

Please, an essay on beards.

L. S. Heatherly said...

Dear Stephen Potts, Ben Pierce, and Daniel Pope:

It is my undwrstanding that you 3 have united to be Cerebus or Cerebrus.

Some person or persons have posted my online copyrighted atricle on wordpress.com. without siting me as the author nor giving the url from which it was illegally taken.

Whoever is responsible must remove the post or acknowledge myself as the author. Here are the urls concerning this matter:


Here is my site from which it was illegally taken:


You can also find the illegal post and my site by googling "nurturome" and "nurturome freedom"

L. S. Heatherly

L. S. Heatherly said...

To whom it mat concern:

Some person or persons known as Cerebus or Cerebrus or zepiroth has illegally posted my online atricle, copyrighted 2003-2008 by myself, L. S. Heatherly on wordpress.com
This post MUST be removed OR the true Author sited and url from which it was taken given.

Here are the urls on this matter:


My site:

I have taken 15 hours on this and will continue till the illegal use is halted by the responsible party or parties. Wordpress.com wants me to try reaching that person or persons before I file an official complaint of theft with them.

L. S. Heatherly